PIMP YOUR WATER! A Super simple, colorful and fun way to make drinking water kinda exciting, not just for kids!
Studies have shown that drinking water naturally boosts your metabolism and drinking fruit and veggie infused water will definitely increase your water intake. Fruit flavored water does not only look good but tastes good on top! So today I am sharing a star in the fruit infused water family and definitely one of my current favorites. If you love Basil as much as I do, you will for sure love this recipe!
D I Y Facial Masks with Superfood
I love making face masks from foods, like avocado or using apple cider vinegar as a toner and rubbing coconut oil pretty much everywhere. By putting on a mask which is so rich in nutrients you give your skin the opportunity to recharge and absorb what it needs, to make you look and feel even more beautiful! So wear it with dignity while doing all the other stuff like cooking, reading, writing, having a bath or even sweating the floor. So here are two of my absolute favorites which literally let you glow.
D I Y Body Scrubs with Essential Oils
Scrubs are best to bring some dull skin back to life. To get rid of old skin and improve blood circulation.
Here are three of my absolute favorites! All purely natural!! And made with ingredients normally everyone has at home.