D I Y Natural Broth Mix

D I Y Natural Broth Mix

Make your own veggie stock without MSG, coloring or any other kinds of preservatives. I tried to buy all the spices as organic as possible but some like onion & garlic powder were quite difficult to get. So in this case read the ingredients on the label and pick the best one you can find. This mix actually doesn’t provide lots of veggies but has definitely a rich flavor which makes it a great base for sauces and soups or anywhere else you would normally use broth.




Virabhadrasana was named after a famous warrior from an ancient Indian mythology. The arms symbolize the swords which are powerfully stretched towards the sky. The purpose of this pose is to be strong and to overcome fear.




This Pumpkin Laksa is full of great flavors and of course full of pumpkin. Also in there is lots of ginger, a little soy sauce, coconut milk and a bit of peanut butter. YESSS! you heard right, Peanut butter 🙂

I love cooking and caught myself spending even more time in the kitchen since I became fully vegeterian (almost vegan; still hard for me to quit on Frozen Yoghurt, especially now during pregnancy ) So I thought way not sharing a bit more of the recipes I create and the chaos which comes with it.. you should see my kitchen after a session like this.. Crazzzzy!!

But now back to this incredible tasty Laksa! Where the best part comes on top: FRIED CHICKPEAS!! I coated them in cinnamon sugar which makes them extra crunchy and then roasted them in the oven. And I tell you, they are just YUM!




Ayurveda defines jetlag as a state of excess Vata energy in our organism. Vata is known as the motion principle and consists of the natural forces of air and space. On long flights these forces strongly act on us and lead to an accumulation of Vata. Therefore it is recommended to reduce the characteristics of Vata before, during or after the flight.




If we travel across a number of time zones our body clock will be out of synch and we experience this so called JETLAG. But not just our sleep and wake pattern will get shaken up; it has a big impact on a whole lot of other body functions like on our hormone household or our digestive system.

It`s proven that Yoga has a profound impact on fighting Jetlag, to recharge the body`s natural energy flow and to get back some balance.

So here are some of my all time favorites I love to do before, in-between and especially after my long journey. I always have some additional Meditation apps on my phone, which I love to use at the airport while waiting for boarding or in the plane when I have troubles sleeping.
