WHY 108?
Have you ever wondered about the significance of the number 108? WHY do we do exactly 108 Sun Salutations or WHY does a mala have accurately 108 beads?
WHY 108?
Have you ever wondered about the significance of the number 108? WHY do we do exactly 108 Sun Salutations or WHY does a mala have accurately 108 beads?
So I finally did it. I registered for a Vipassana Retreat. Since two years I have this in my head.. but never had the guts to push through it. Do you know what I mean?
Then one morning I woke up and thought WHY NOT doing it NOW? For what am I waiting for? There will always be something which seems to be more important or in the way.. but at the end it`s all just a BIG excuse. We do that all the time! Making things up that we don`t have to face our deepest fears.