Hello beautiful momma.

Do you know this moment, when you could finally put your toddler down for a nap, you unroll your mat, sit down, take a deep breath and then you hear. . .“MOMMY“!

This is the moment where your mind will probably goes: Oh great. That`s it for today! BUT don`t roll your mat up just yet, mama! Because it just means you can`t practice alone. But you can practice together even if this means you have to minimize or adjust your practice according to your toddler. And if you allow them to anticipate, I promise you will be amazed on how much you can actually do TOGETHER. Further you aid their natural development of movement and increase their own body awareness while you bond with your child on a whole new level. Allowing them to join your practice is also the best way to cultivate their own mindfulness as well promote an active lifestyle from early days on.




Since one of the most frequently asked (yoga related) questions I get from people is

„What kind of mat do you use? „

I thought why not bringing up a short review on the mats I tried so far including my experience with it. Even as a yoga teacher and a 10 year long practitioner I don`t really have a lot of mats than most people expect. I think the first 5 years I was mainly practicing on the bare floor, gras, beaches, carpets, towels or on any cheap mat I could find in a store nearby.




Hey Peeps! Welcome to 2 0 1 7.

To kick off this year with the right amount of energy, a portion of good sleep is a must! Especially as a breastfeeding mum of a 4 month old where a lack of sleep is my daily companion, I know what I am talking about, believe me 😉

So to still keep going and doing all the fun stuff that mummies do like nursing, nappy changing, kissing, cooking, cuddling, doing laundry again nappy changing, nursing, playing, singing – here are some tips for a restful night as well a little good-night-yoga sequence which I like to do before or in bed.




Ever wondered how to work out with a baby? Especially soon after birth where bonding is constantly needed? Then try out Baby Carrier Yoga. All you need is a Carrier and a Baby of course 🙂  I also tried it with a baby wrap which works too but since the head is still pretty wobbly at the beginning, it was a bit more challenging to keep it in the wrap while moving. Baby Carrier Yoga makes both happy – it`s a good workout for mamma (even more when the little ones are getting heavier) while your baby enjoys the movement close to you. Happy mamma, happy baby!


D I Y  Yoga Mat Spray

D I Y Yoga Mat Spray

Hey Yogis,

my little beanie allows me some time off today, so I thought about using this to share another quick DIY Tutorial with you. It`s an easy and in particular cheap way to create your own yoga mat cleanser while making your mat smell deliiiiicious at the same time!




Pregnancy is a miraculous time in every woman’s life but adjusting to all the changes happening inside the body can sometimes also trigger certain discomfort. Each trimester brings something new to a mum-to-be,  especially when it comes to her workout routine and an every growing belly.

Besides swimming, yoga is definitely the ideal workout throughout pregnancy. It will help you to stay active, deal with the extra weight and changing balance, gives you physical and mental strength, relieves back pain and prepares your body for a successful and natural delivery.
