Welcome to 2015 lovely yogis!

How to start better into the new year than clean and fresh from inside out?

 All you need is an open mind to try something new a bit of patience and a tiny bit of endurance!

A few tips before we start:

  1. ALWAYS LISTEN to your body! Even this detox program lasts for 6 days, join as many days you want, this can be from 2 to 4 days or even extend to 8. You might just even try one day, if you have never ever done any kind of detox before. Feel comfortable with your decision!
  2. HOLD OUT! Detoxing can be a bit of a challenge, especially in the first 2 days. Getting rid of waste and toxins inside your body often causes headache and fatigue. You might even feel dizzy or moody and that`s okay. Just be aware of your feelings and be thankful for being able to feel them! It simple shows you that your body is working the way you want him to. 
  3. TAKE IT EASY! People often think they have to start with extreme sport when they do fasting, but actually the opposite is necessary. Your body is so busy with detoxifying that every other distraction like mountain biking can stop him from doing his job and can make the whole fasting process kind of dangerous on top! So marathon run NO. Yoga YES! Move, go for a walk, have a nice swim, stretch and give your body as much relaxation as needed.
  4. RECHARGE! Use this week to recharge your batteries. Do for what you normally don`t have time.. read, stay in bed longer, get a massage..!
  5. ENOUGH! This is so important that it get`s an extra point! In this few days try to catch enough SLEEP (best before 11pm) and WATER (min. 2 liters a day) !!
  6. ADJUST! You don`t like pineapples? Take something else. You are not able to buy fresh cherries? Take frozen ones. You can`t get red grapes? Grab the white ones. Be creative, not frustrated!
  7. BE PREPARED! To make your whole day so much easier, prepare all your 3 smoothies together in the morning or maybe already the evening before. Fill it into jars and keep it in the fridge. Next to saving time, you are also able to bring your smoothie trouble- free to work or where ever you go .. and your kitchen is just messy once a day 😉
  8. HOME MATERIALS! Always bring home lemons. Hot lemon water in the morning helps to carry away toxins much faster, not just during a detox! Get some chayenne pepper and/ or cinnamon. Both boosts your metabolism and helps to burn fat.
  9. TEA! You don`t need any of those expensive detox teas you can find in the stores. Just have one liver tea ( I use dandelion tea) and a package of green tea by your side.
  10. CREATE RITUALS! Every Morning on an empty stomach have a glas of hot water with half a lemon (juice) and a pinch of cayenne pepper or a piece of ginger. Enjoy a cup of green tea in the later morning and have a cup of liver tea in the afternoon.
  11. NO TEMPTATION! To get the full benefit out of our detox we have to avoid coffee, sweets, cigarettes and alcohol during this time!
  12. PREP- DAY / GET BACK ON TRACK DAY! To make the getting- in and getting- out a bit smoother, try to avoid heavy food on the day before or after a detox. If you can start the evening before the detox with a fruit platter, a salad or a hot bowl of soup. Same goes for the day after (7 day).



You should get all products like bee pollen, chia seeds, hemp powder, spirulina, raw cacao and flaxseeds in an organic health shop (Austria: DM, Reformhaus). It`s not always easy to get hemp powder, so just take any other protein powder!

Each morning I will post all 3 smoothie recipes via Instagram and Facebook so stay tuned and healthy!

Have fun shopping!


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