So everybody who is following me more closely on social media, knows about my lately adapted baby belly pic obsession 😉 since there are only a few more days left where I can carry around this little bump. Actually it´s only one more day until the official due date! ONE DAY!! Can you believe it?! These 9 months passed so quickly that I still can’t grasp it.. but the shorter the past months felt, the longer the end feels like; so enjoying every last minute of being pregnant while getting fuzzy from waiting all at the same time.

As I am coming closer to my due date, the more questions I get what I am going to bring to the hospital. Good question. Maybe all the same stuff what others bring too. And to be honest I had no clue, when I started packing. So the first thing what I did was checking Pinterest what other mummies actually do bring and I think, I figured it out, at least for me. So I will let you have a closer look into my hospital bag(s) today which maybe clarify some of your questions too.

Since I plan on having the shortest stay possible (1 night, if everything goes well) I will only bring a small amount of clothes. My original dream birth would have actually been a home birth but since there are no such things as ” midwifes ” here in Malaysia, I had to go for the best possible alternative. So i found the only doctor performing water birth here on the island and who has also a more holistic approach on the whole giving birth thing compared to others.

So here is my LITTLE CHECKLIST what to bring along for this big day. Some things on the list might vary due to your art of delivery, the length of your stay at the hospital, the country you are living in as well as the climate conditions etc.

F O R   M U M M Y

  • Documents
  • PJ (if you dont wanna wear the hospital gown)
  • Long comfy Cardigan
  • Legging
  • Wide blouse (best with buttons; easier when nursing)
  • Nursing bra
  • Nursing pads
  • Granny pants (comfy underwear)
  • Panty Liners
  • Comfy wide dress (to move during labour)
  • Bikini Top
  • Scarf
  • Slippers / Flip Flops
  • Lip balm
  • Lanolin nipple cream (to prevent from sore nipples right at the beginning)
  • Toothbrush & paste
  • Shower gel & shampoo
  • Hairbrush
  • Hair ties

F O R  B A B Y

Carseat / Maxi cozy

Baby wrap





F O R  D A D D Y


Bathing shorts



One spare outfit (optional)


Currently I am using the oils from young living which already helped me a lot during my pregnancy but they are also a great supporter during or after labour.

So you might wanna check the young living page for a more detailed information.

Rosemary Put 2 drops in the bathtub to stimulate labour
Lavender Put 2 drops in the diffuser for a better circulation and a calming mind; has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties
Surrender Put 2 drops in the diffuser or use directly on your skin. Put 1 drop on your temples and forehead.  to promote trust
Pan away Massage with 2-4 drops the lower back region  against backache
Joy Rub 2 drops on to the sternum  against baby blues
Gentle baby Rub 2-4 drops on your baby belly or directly on your baby  for bonding
Frankincense Rub 1 drop on the crown of your baby for protection

I also love to have a neroli & patchouli aroma mist with me to use during the birth process to keep me stimulated but relaxed. Another good alternative would be rosewater.

And of course I always bring crystals. Amethyst, clear and rose quartz massage stones you can use together with some aroma oil to get rid of tension in your back.

E L E C T R O N I C  S T U F F  (Daddy can take care of)

  • Mobile phone (with birthing music on)
  • Charger
  • Bluetooth speaker
  • Camera
  • Video cam
  • Diffuser

S N A C K S like dates, coconut water or musli bars (since you never know how long its going to be?!)

This list should summarize all the hundreds of lists I found including my own must-haves to give you an idea what to bring best for your own big moment. I hope it helps.

L O V E ,

yours Lisa


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