F l y i n g  h o m e  f o r  C H R I S T M A S ! !

As an old christmas junkie I am thrilled to the top and can`t wait to do as follows:

  • Wear all my winter clothes at once ( since I can hardly wear them ).
  • Watching our white dog disappear in the snow.
  • Drinking hot chocolate with my sister.
  • Drinking homemade eggnog with my mum.
  • Snuggling up under the blanket while watching my dad lightening up the fire place.
  • Eating cookies. Lots of them.
  • Watching my favorite christmas movie.
  • Counting the snowflakes falling down the sky.
  • Building a snowman with my niece and nephew.
  • Making a snow angel competition with Christoph.
  • Riding my snowboard.
  • Visiting as many christmas markets as possible.
  • Drinking mulled wine with friends.

Since I can`t wait to do all that.. I just made a pot of Apple Cider to rock my mood 😉

Spiced Apple Cider ( One Jug )

Things to prepare:

0,5 l apple juice

200 ml water

200 ml apple cider

100 ml lemon ( ginger ) juice *

2 apples

2 tbsp honey ( or brown sugar )

3 cinnamon sticks

6 whole cloves

6 cardamon pods

1 dash cayenne pepper

*If you don`t have any mixed juice of lemon – ginger by hand, use ginger tea or put even a small piece of fresh ginger root in your pot. But be careful fresh ginger can make it really spicy!

What to do with all that:

First put all the liquid together in a pot and slowly heat it up > > don`t boil it! Then go ahead and cut the apple in small pieces.


Add the honey and apples and let it shimmer until they get soft. Finally add the spices and let it soak for 10 more minutes on a small flame.


When you start smelling the spices turn of the heat. Taste and adjust the sweetness or even spiciness with adding more Cayenne pepper.

Too sour for your choice? Add a bit more water.

Strain the spices but keep the apples for decoration. Pour it in a glass et voilà.

Enjoy hot while listening to some Christmas tunes. My XMAS Playlist is already up on Spotify by the way 😉


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