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It`s getting cold outside.. not really in Malaysia, but I have to bring myself somehow into christmas fever.. under all those palmtrees ( I am not complaining) So I am going to share one of my favourite punch recipes, one which will definitely pitch you right into a christmas blast, I swear *pinkypromise*

Honey Orange Punch

All you need is:

500  ml orange juice

100  ml of lemon juice

2 tbsp honey (or more)

100 ml white wine (or white grape juice)

4 pieces cloves

1 rod of cinnamon

Quick and easy. Done in 15 minutes.

All you have to do is putting the orange- lemon juice mix into a pot.

Heat it up, add the honey and wine and finally the spices.

Let everything shimmer for about 5 minutes, reduce the heat and let it soak for another 5 minutes.

Enjoy hot. Best together with some cookies and friends.

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