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ting intentions. This is a really wonderful tradition, through out the year. Still, at the very last day of the year everything seems to get more meaning. We are more sentimental about our dreams and wishes and everything seems to suddenly be possible which brings a very special energy with it. The feeling of a clean slate, a fresh start. The feeling we can start over with whatever feels not right. But maybe it`s also the realization that time is moving faster than we think. Maybe we still find ourselves in the same space we already wanted to change for so long. So here is your time. Make use of this transition. 2018 as another shot, a different opportunity to create the life you truly wanna live in. Even if I think we shouldn`t wait all the way towards the end to perform this action. Further more seeing every day like this. A new sunrise. A new wake up. A new chance.


I love making lists and always have. But sometimes I tend to be too perfectionist in things that doesn`t really matter. So here is my raw and unfiltered version of intentions for this upcoming year. With all the BIG and small things. I mainly copied them out of my journal so here we go:

(SELF) Love

Ditching perfectionism (because who cares at the end)

Accepting what I cannot change (and working around it)

Letting go of what drains me (less screen time, less energy suckers)

Being more patient (one step at a time; fits to the point below)

Trusting that everything comes to me to the right time

Getting Maya to sleep in her own bed, the whole night (this is a big one; since this not just effects my sleep but also cuddles with hubby)

Being kind (connected to the point above; since I can`t think straight and get moody when I am overly tired which mostly effects Chris. And since he is the last person I wanna be moody to, I definitely have to work on this one!)


Going fully vegan! (mastering the last 10%)

Healing my histamine intolerance (after struggling with skin rashes for the past 4 years, always on and off)

Wearing my retainer more (yes you heard me right)

Sweating DAILY (whatever my mom schedule allows. And if its only sweating at the pool)

More jungle time (even if we are living in the tropics since the nearly last 7 years, there is also a lot of AC and haze involved. So finding fresh air is hard. But this year I am working against it. Green it is)

Practicing more self love (Constantly telling myself I can do better. Now starting to tell myself what I have already achieved) 

Getting back my strength (1 minute Handstand, Pincha into Scorpion, Wheel Backdrop)



New look for yogalove (more projects coming up!)

Mastering my graduation in holistic Nutrition

Doing my 300hrs YTT

Holding a Yoga Workshop (somewhere in between)


Backing my own bread

Avoiding plastic as much as possible (this is hard in Asia!!!)

Organizing a raw food backing class

Attending a Makramee workshop

Learning how to properly braid hair (not just for the sake of Maya`s fast growing hair)

Traveling to Vietnam, Bali (Nusa Penida & Nusa Lembongan) and Australia

So how to manifest your goals? As you see I break them down into 4 categories: (Self) Love, Health (Wellbeing), Work and Living (which includes hobbies like traveling and things I want to try). This is simply a suggestion and can look totally different with you. So whatever floats your boat 😉 

Step 1: Buy a pretty journal which rocks your vibes. Maybe even some new fancy pens which make you feel like you want to fill your journal right away.

Step 2: Set a goal. Make a clear wording when you write it down. You must be clear about your intention. If not the energy doesn´t know where to go.

Step 3: Visualize. Meditate on it. Imagine the outcome of your desire like it had already happened.

Step 4: Believe. The universe has our back. Once you are clear about what you want, let it go and trust that it has been taken care of.

Step 5: Affirm. Repeat it every day. Make little notes around your house, which should remind you of your goal.

Step 6: Gratitude & Patience. Is the key to success. Start to feel grateful for everything you already have. We attract what we put out there. So stay positive and open to receive.

I hope this could inspire you to do your own journal as a step closer to your dreams. Happy journaling! 



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