Ever wondered what`s behind the word C h a k r a s ? And how to influence them through Yoga ?

C h a k r a means nothing else then „ Wheel “ in the sense of the circular movement of energy. You can think of a kind of transformer through which the astral energy runs through our physical body. They collect, transform and distribute the energy flowing through them and act so like little “places of power”. They express themselves through certain physical organs or in certain areas inside the body and can be stimulated and activated by focusing on these particular regions.

Each chakra is located at an intersection of two or more nadis (energy pathways). Since there are 72,000 nadis in our energy body, there is a very large number of chakras. But we regularly speak about 7 main chakras. These seven main chakras can be seen as a kind of switch which enables certain levels of consciousness. All our thoughts, feelings, characteristics and perceptions are related to the energy within our Chakras.

Yoga, breathing exercises, the use of mantras, visualization and meditation techniques act directly on the chakras by strengthening and cleaning them at the same time. Just as we can contribute negatively by unhealthy diet, negative thinking or even bad company. If the chakras are clear, they turn quickly and their light is bright and strong.

1. Root Chakra ( M u l a d h a r a )

Location: at the genitals on the front of the body
Element: Earth
Color & Symbol: Red; Lotus with 4 petals
Bija-Mantra: LAM
Qualities: material need, survival instinct of self-preservation, basic trust, stability, assertiveness, will to live, life force as well as grounding and absorbing earth energy
Physiologically: It stands for the excretory organs. This chakra is associated with the sense of smell and is so strongly connected with Ajna Chakra.This is also the seat of our Kundalini, our human potential of mental spiritual awakening
Recommended Asanas: All Standing Postures, Forward bends and Twist

2. Sacral Chakra ( S v a d h i s h t a n a )

Location: at the bottom of the spine – coccyx
Element: Water
Color & Symbol: Orange; Lotus with 6 petals
Bija-Mantra: VAM
Qualities: Sensuality, sexuality, animal instinct, lust, relationships, jealousy, creativity, creative life energy and enthusiasm
Physiologically: It stands for the genitourinary system and the sense of taste.
Recommended Asanas: All seating postures, pelvis exercises and hip openers. Satyananda especially recommends the cobra, child and bow pose

3. Navel Chakra ( M a n i p u r a )

Location: in the lumbar spine at the level of the navel
Element: Fire
Color & Symbol: Yellow; Lotus with 10 Petals
Bija-Mantra: RAM
Qualities: Seat of vigor, willpower, responsibility, identity, ego, anger, aggression, vitality, self-esteem and inner strength.
Physiologically: affects the digestive system, pancreas, liver and solar plexus and is associated with the sense of sight
Recommended Asanas: Forward Bends, Twists and Backbends. As well Uddiyana bandha and Kapalabhati Pranayama

4. Heart Chakra ( A n a h a t a )

Location: in the spinal column at the height of the heart
Element: Air
Color & Symbol: Green; Lotus with 12 petals
Bija-Mantra: YAM
Qualities: Love, comfort, compassion, warmth, humanity, openness and tolerance
Physiologically: connected to the heart, lungs and the respiratory and circulatory system and the sense of touch.
Recommended Asanas: Fisch pose, cobra pose, plow pose and twists. Because of the activating effect on the circulatory and respiratory systems „Surya Namaskar” is highly recommended.

5. Throat Chakra ( V i s h u d d h a )

Location: in the spine at the level of the larynx
Element: ether
Color & Symbol: Blue; Lotus with 16 petals.
Bija-Mantra: HAM
Qualities: Verbal and nonverbal communication, mental power, understanding, judgment, inspiration and creativity.
Physiologically: Larynx, vocal cords, thyroid and the sense of hearing
Recommended Asanas: Shoulderstand, Backbends where you bend your neck like in Bridge pose. All Pranayamas but especially Ujjayi Breathing

6. Forehead, Third Eye or Guru Chakra ( A j n a )

Location: center of the forehead .In meditation imagine a bright light in the center of the forehead.
Element: not correspond to any element, it represents the mind, the consciousness.
Color & Symbol: Purple; with 2 Lotus Petals.
Bija-Mantra: OM
Qualities: Intuition, perception, wisdom, imagination and self-knowledge
Physiologically: Associated with pituitary gland (Hypophyse) and the brain.
Recommended Asanas: Inversions and all poses where your forehead rests on the floor

7. Crown Chakra ( S a h a s r a r a )

Location: Top of the head
Element: Outside of the elements, pure cosmic consciousness, no mantra.
Color & Symbol: White or Silver; 1000 Lotus Petals
Qualities: Represents the highest state of cosmic consciousness
Physiologically: Pineal gland (Epiphyse)
Recommended Asanas: Same like Ajna Chakra


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